• Yoga & Meditation

    Research suggests that providing yoga and meditation within the school curriculum has many physical and mental health benefits. It’s aneffective way to help students develop self-regulation, mind-body awareness and physical fitness, decreased pain, better immune function, less anxiety and depression. This in turn fosters additional SEL competencies and positive student outcomes such as improved behavior, mental state, health and performance. When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment, they can navigate life’s challenges with a little more ease and have a heightened sense of well-being, and greater happiness and emotional self-control. 

  • Findings

    More than 940 schools across the United States, and more than 5400 instructors have been trained by these programs to offer yoga in educational settings. Despite some variability in the exact mode of implementation, training requirements, locations served, and grades covered, the majority of the programs share a common goal of teaching 4 basic elements of yoga: (1) physical postures, (2) breathing exercises, (3) relaxation techniques, and (4) mindfulness and meditation practices. The programs also teach a variety of additional educational, social-emotional, and didactic techniques to enhance students’ mental and physical health and behavior.

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